Oral-B iO 8 vs iO 9: Which toothbrush is better?

According to various test reports, Oral-B electric toothbrushes offer excellent cleaning performance and come equipped with numerous features: In addition to a large, colorful display, the toothbrushes include pressure control, various brushing modes, Bluetooth for the app, and a magnetic charging station.

Smartphone-App Oral-B iO
Oral-B iO with smartphone app

But what are the exact differences between the current model “Series 9” and the previous model “Series 8”? Here’s a spoiler: The functional differences are very small, but the price differences are much bigger. We’ve extensively tested both devices and will present the results in this article.

Cleaning performance identical between iO 8 and iO 9

No matter how many displays and functions an electric toothbrush has, what ultimately matters is how clean your teeth get when brushing. The key message: Both models are technically identical and therefore have the same cleaning performance.

Oral-B iO Series 8 Elektrische ZahnbĂĽrste/Electric Toothbrush, 6…
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iO 8 vs iO 9: Same devices

Both models (and also model 7) use a magnetic drive system and micro-vibrations to clean teeth and gaps.

Oral-B iO toothbrush Bluetooth
Nearly identical features with Oral-B

The other basic features are also identical: Both toothbrushes can be connected to the matching app via Bluetooth, have a colorful display, an LED ring for pressure control, and an identical charging station.

Battery life identical

There is also no difference in battery life: If you brush your teeth twice a day for about two minutes, the battery lasts about ten days. That’s a solid performance, although the Philips Sonicare 9000 lasts 2-3 days longer.

Differences between Oral-B iO 8 and 9

Even though the devices are technically identical, the manufacturer has made the newer model a bit more attractive: The latest iO 9 model has not only six different brushing modes but seven. The additional mode is called tongue cleaning, although this is also possible with any other mode.

Accessories: Case with or without charging function

In addition, the manufacturer includes various accessories with the toothbrushes, further confusing us as customers: The Oral-B iO 9 comes with a hard plastic travel case that allows you to charge the toothbrush on the go.

Alternatively, you can take the regular magnetic charging station on your travels, which is much smaller than the travel case. Those who travel with carry-on luggage only will quickly appreciate the extra space.

Identical charging station for iO8 and iO9
Identical charging station for iO8 and iO9

The iO 8 lacks this charging case but comes with a practical fabric case that closes at the top with magnets and has a non-slip rubber bottom. Honestly, we liked this case much better.

Silver and black rings

Another small difference we noticed by chance: The Oral-B iO 9 has a small chrome ring on the top and bottom, while the iO 8 is black in this area. Which version looks better is a matter of personal taste.

Price: Oral-B iO 9 significantly more expensive than iO 8

The biggest difference between the two electric toothbrushes is the price: While prices fluctuate depending on the season and promotions, the Oral-B iO was typically between 35 and 60 euros more expensive than the previous model during our research.

iO8 vs iO 9 Oral-B toothbrushes
Identical: Oral-B iO 8 and iO 9

Conclusion: Oral-B iO 8 vs iO 9

Our conclusion: The iO toothbrushes from Oral-B are great devices with good cleaning performance, many features, and a cool design. However, we wouldn’t pay extra for an additional brushing mode and a charging case that is much larger than the regular charging station. If you want to save some money, go for the 8th model.

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